DCT Virtual Training - Week 7

Thanks to those of you who joined our seventh virtual training session this morning. The weather was much kinder today. Hopefully, this weather will remain for when training (and hopefully crossings) start.

This week’s theme was ‘Under the Sea’, with some very creative interpretations. Donna with her cans of tuna, Liesl with a very good jellyfish had and Ros’s jellyfish had tags showing lots of other things found under the sea.

What do these seemingly weird and random people have in common?

What do these seemingly weird and random people have in common?


The plan for the day

Part 1

The first part was 15 minutes of cold water. There seems to be less and less getting wet as the weeks go by…. 🤔.


Part 2

The cream cracker challenge - how many cream crackers can you eat in a minute (without drinking). It’s harder than you think!! Georgia won with 3, though I don’t think that would be the number if you have to have swallowed everything. Most came in with 2. The record - apparently it’s a staggering 12!!


Part 3

Then we had the scavenger hunt - loved the creativity again!


Next week

The challenge will be shared on Thursday, you’ll need a toilet roll and a peg. A tape measure may help but not essential. As it’s a physical activity, perhaps the theme should be Olympics.

With any luck, the week after next will be our last virtual training week and Georgia came up with the great idea of a virtual bake off. We thought about what we could make that doesn’t take too long and where the ingredients are still readily available - so we figured flapjacks where the way to go. Since we can’t do a taste test, we’ll have to judge on looks - even bake, visual appeal etc. But also on your ability to eat it without it crumbling and without dislodging any teeth!


The best bits of today

Here’s a short clip of some of the screenshots from this morning.
