With risk of cardiological, renal, respiratory and haematological complications, it is best practice to follow steady resumption of training, paying attention to physical and psychological factors after COVID-19 infection.

The information below is published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. The original version can be found here.

Scope of the infographic

This guidance takes into account public health guidelines in the UK (although we hope its content is relevant more widely) and available expert opinion at time of publication and is for use by healthcare practitioners. It is applicable to performance athletes who have had mild to moderate illness. Those requiring hospital admission merit further assessment.


Graduated return to play (GRTP) protocol

A GRTP is a progressive programme that introduces physical activity and sport in a stepwise fashion.

Key considerations

  • Before considering GRTP, the athlete must be able to complete activities of daily living and walk 500 m on the flat without excessive fatigue or breathlessness.

  • They should have at least 10 days’ rest and be 7 days symptom-free before starting.

  • Less aerobically intense sports like golf may progress quicker. Experience suggests that some athletes take over 3 weeks to recover.

Some monitoring may add value, which could includes

  • Resting heart rate.

  • Rated perceived exertion.

  • Sleep, stress, fatigue and muscle soreness.

  • Injury-Psychological Readiness to Return to Sport.

If any symptoms occur (including excessive fatigue) while going through GRTP, the athlete must return to the previous stage and progress again after a minimum of 24 hours’ period of rest without symptoms.

Athletes with co-morbidities

Athletes diagnosed with COVID-19 and who have medical conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease or renal disease should have a medical assessment before commencing GRTP.

Further assessments

Athletes who have a complicated or prolonged COVID-19 illness may need further investigations, including

  • Blood testing for markers of inflammation

  • Cardiac monitoring

  • Respiratory function assessment

  • Renal and haematological monitoring.